Flexible working has typically been an advantage enjoyed by freelancers, contractors, and other part-time workers. But as the traditional business environment evolves and the pandemic changed our normal way of working, flexible working is now much more common. This might be offering remote working or hybrid working (part-time office-based, part-time at home). Offering flexi hours/flexi-time for workers to work around the school run or work longer and/or shorter days when it suits them. Obviously, this has to work for all parties so compromise is always needed. Companies and employees alike could benefit from flexible work. Consider the following points when looking to recruit new candidates for your role:
Boosting Productivity
One of the main reasons companies embrace flexibility is the consequent increase in productivity. Flexible working often comes with fewer distractions, better time management, and a higher focus. Workers spend less time having to “get ready” for their working day and don’t have a commute. Alleviating these two stress factors in the morning means your workers are much more relaxed and focused to begin their day in the right way. They are more likely to take the breaks they need rather than sitting at their desk for the whole day. This means they can re-charge and re-focus at points throughout the day.
Improving engagement
When you allow flexible working you will demonstrate that you have trust in your employees. You trust them to complete their work and no matter when, where, or how they do it. Engaged employees always perform better. Your employees don’t want to feel like they are being watched or micro-managed. This translates to fewer missed workdays, be that sick days or otherwise, and better working relationships.
Supporting mental health
Mental health is currently taking the biggest hit, with employee stress levels in traditional work environments being higher than ever before. Whilst a certain amount of stress is to be expected in all jobs, excessive stress can be detrimental to employees’ performance and overall health. Employees who no longer have to worry so much about the time and cost of their commute, or finding alternative and pricey childcare arrangements, are more likely to perform better at work rather than running for the hills at 5pm. Flexible working offers greater freedom to employees, in turn increases job satisfaction and overall productivity as well.
Attracting better candidates
Flexible working could be key to attracting the talent you are looking for. Job seekers seem more interested in flexibility than any other job benefit. A top-tier candidate confident in their abilities might strive to have a better work-life balance and only apply for jobs offering flexible working.
Improving diversity
When limiting a candidate pool to a location, you have access to a smaller group of people. Offering remote/hybrid roles widens your search pool and attracts candidates from various locations. Companies that embrace diversity and inclusion tend to have better performance than their less diverse counterparts.
Better financially
Since remote working became the norm throughout the pandemic, we saw many organisations and businesses selling their premises. There is no longer a need to be paying for office space if your workers can work remotely/hybrid, freeing up a lot of revenue for businesses. Employees no longer have the cost of a commute, a working lunch, or office clothing. You could argue that they have to pay for their internet access, heating, and food at home, but a portion of this can be claimed back through tax relief. This could be an important factor for candidates to consider with the recent cost of living crisis.
Better for the environment
Flexible, remote and hybrid working means that daily commutes, by car or public transport, are significantly reduced. This reduces the carbon footprint, as well as reducing electricity and water usage in office buildings. Paper and printer ink are used less, and waste is reduced!
It is important to bear in mind that flexible working can only succeed if it works for all parties. All sides will need to compromise, so communication is key to managing the expectations of your workers. All parties need to feel understood, listened to, and appreciated in order for these new working “norms” to be successful.
Whatever the requirements for your role, don’t hesitate to get in touch and let us find a Face for you!