Jobs in the Mortgage and Finance Industry

Mortgage advisor jobs

About the Mortgage and Finance Industry The mortgage and finance industry is a great one to work in, with jobs offering great development opportunities and rates of pay. Despite challenges in recent years – Brexit, the pandemic and inflation to name just a few – careers in this industry are a great choice in the […]

How to stand out from the candidate crowd

Leaving an impression during the application process is essential – you want to be as memorable and distinguishable as possible. Hiring managers and recruiters have tight schedules for viewing CV’s, interviewing, and making offers, so ensuring that you stand out from the crowd will improve your chances of being successful. Often, ‘what sets you apart […]

Rejected, again?! How to understand job rejections & move forward

Job rejections are a normal and integral part of the job search, but they can seriously affect your morale. If you’ve applied for numerous jobs and received rejection after rejection, you might begin to question your self-worth. The truth is, rejection is completely NORMAL in the world of employment – and it’s actually super important […]

How much do recruiters charge and why? Here’s why we’re worth it

Image displaying fees

Recruitment is big business. A multi-billion pound industry in fact. And we’re not going anywhere. But how do we charge for our services? And why does our work deserve such fees? Most clients are completely accepting of our fees, understanding that they are getting a specialist recruiter for a low fee. Others just instantly say, […]

The Perks of Using a Specialist Recruiter

We’ve been in business since 2016 and have accumulated a wealth of knowledge in the mortgage and property service sectors. This makes us not only a trusted and reliable agency for candidates looking for work, but a valuable resource and partner for clients recruiting in our sectors. So, why should you use a specialist recruiter? […]

Questions to ASK and AVOID in a Job Interview

“So, do you have any questions for me?” Ever reached this point in an interview? Then you’ll not want to be caught off guard. The best type of interview is a conversation. However, some candidates will internally panic at the prospect of leading the rest of the conversation; this blog intends to dispel those fears […]

The top job boards: a recruiters’ opinion

Display of paperwork, including a CV and coffee mug

Obviously being a recruitment agency, we do take an interest in how the job boards perform.  We did a little of our own research and asked clients, candidates and our social media followers where they would typically go to look for new jobs and opportunities.  This is what we found: CV Library: 4% Reed: 10% […]

Global Recruiter Awards 2022, “Best Brand” Finalists!

Global Recruiter Awards FInalist image

We are “reyt” excited to have been selected as a finalist in the Global Recruiter Awards this year! We still can’t quite believe it! And what better category than for “Best Employer Brand”, because we think we’ve built a pretty decent brand! Our vision for our business is becoming reality! From the beginning When we […]

A History of recruitment

"Job application" typed on an old type-writer for recruitment process

Recruitment has certainly changed massively over the last 30 years, since the introduction of the internet. But what about pre-internet? How did people find their employees? How did people find a job? Gone are the “good old days” that our grandparents speak of. Being able to approach someone, ask for a job, and have a […]

Office Life: Placing Faces from Sum Studios

Grade II listed Victorian school building, with Sum Studios sign on the front.

Placing Faces’ home is at SUM Studios, in Sheffield. The building itself is a Grade II listed Victorian school. First named Gleadless Road School, then it became Anns Grove School in 1980. Overlooking the Heeley Millennium Park in the heart of Heeley, Sheffield, the school complex consisted of a nursery, infants and junior school, and […]