Knowledge is Power: Mastering the Mortgage Jargon Jungle

The world of mortgages and finance can often feel like a foreign land where the language spoken is full of jargon and acronyms that seem to defy any understanding. However, fear not, for this blog will be your guide in untangling the web of complex terminology that you might come across if you’re speaking to […]

Rejected, again?! How to understand job rejections & move forward

Job rejections are a normal and integral part of the job search, but they can seriously affect your morale. If you’ve applied for numerous jobs and received rejection after rejection, you might begin to question your self-worth. The truth is, rejection is completely NORMAL in the world of employment – and it’s actually super important […]

The Perks of Using a Specialist Recruiter

We’ve been in business since 2016 and have accumulated a wealth of knowledge in the mortgage and property service sectors. This makes us not only a trusted and reliable agency for candidates looking for work, but a valuable resource and partner for clients recruiting in our sectors. So, why should you use a specialist recruiter? […]

Questions to ASK and AVOID in a Job Interview

“So, do you have any questions for me?” Ever reached this point in an interview? Then you’ll not want to be caught off guard. The best type of interview is a conversation. However, some candidates will internally panic at the prospect of leading the rest of the conversation; this blog intends to dispel those fears […]

6 Reasons you should be offering Flexible Working

Working from home with a laptop, notepad and pens

Flexible working has typically been an advantage enjoyed by freelancers, contractors, and other part-time workers. But as the traditional business environment evolves and the pandemic changed our normal way of working, flexible working is now much more common. This might be offering remote working or hybrid working (part-time office-based, part-time at home). Offering flexi hours/flexi-time […]